On 06/23/2014 12:49 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Does anybody here still develop applications (big or small) using FPC's
Free Vision toolkit?

I need to create a few console applications and thought of using Free
Vision for the user interface. I've never used Free Vision before, and
haven't touched Turbo Pascal's equivalent in 20+ years. I thought it
might be fun though. :)

Would this be a good idea, or would there be some problems? I've tried
various SSH clients (Linux, FreeBSD, Putty) and connected via SSH to my
FreeBSD server and ran FPC's Text IDE without problems. I had to tweak
the font for Putty, but then it worked and looked perfect. I know Free
Vision also supports the mouse, but I don't need that here - purely text
based with keyboard input.

What's your thoughts or experiences with Free Vision?

   - Graeme -

Hi Graeme,

I started using Free Vision for this project a few months ago:

There are Free Pascal mini-distribution zips on this page that have the textmode IDE source and also the Free Vision testapp example:

I hope those help to make starting with Free Vision easier!


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