I usually use integer cast to boolean values, sample:

  cond: boolean;
  i: integer;
  cond := true;


  i := 0;

  if boolean(i) then

best regards

José Benedito
JBS Soluções
Consulting Systems Development
c <josebened...@gmail.com>ont...@jbsolucoes.net

skype: s...@jbsolucoes.net
+55 22 30251654
+55 22 996064279

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 3:46 PM, silvioprog <silviop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 6:28 AM, Reinier Olislagers <
> reinierolislag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 03/10/2014 21:16, silvioprog wrote:
>> > When I use the TIniFile to save my configurations, it saves the boolean
>> > values as 0 and 1.
>> >
>> > Is there any way to save these values ​​as string (true/false) instead
>> > of integer (0/1)? If not, can I send a patch to implement that?!
>> 1. Write your own wrapper?
>> 2. AFAIR, there already is a bug report+patch in the bug tracker on
>> extending TInifiles.
> Thanks.
> Internally it uses this functions:
> ...
> function CharToBool(AChar: char): boolean;
> begin
>   Result := (Achar = '1');
> end;
> function BoolToChar(ABool: boolean): char;
> begin
>   if ABool then
>     Result := '1'
>   else
>     Result := '0';
> end;
> ...
> This functions could be replaced by functions from SysUtils functions,
> allowing compatibility with words like 0/1 (as is now), true/false, yes/no
> (USA), sim/não (Brazil), foo/bar (any) etc. Then:
> Instead of:
> function TCustomIniFile.ReadBool(const Section, Ident: string; Default:
> Boolean): Boolean;
> var
>   s: string;
> begin
>   Result := Default;
>   s := ReadString(Section, Ident, '');
>   if s > '' then
>     Result := CharToBool(s[1]);
> end;
> Could be:
> function TCustomIniFile.ReadBool(const Section, Ident: string; Default:
> Boolean): Boolean;
> var
>   s: string;
> begin
>   Result := Default;
>   s := ReadString(Section, Ident, '');
>   if s > '' then
>     Result := SysUtils.StrToBoolDef(s[1], False);
> end;
> And, instead of:
> procedure TCustomIniFile.WriteBool(const Section, Ident: string; Value:
> Boolean);
> begin
>   WriteString(Section, Ident, BoolToChar(Value));
> end;
> Could be:
> procedure TCustomIniFile.WriteBool(const Section, Ident: string; Value:
> Boolean);
> begin
>   WriteString(Section, Ident, SysUtils.BoolToStr(Value, True));
> end;
> So I could use with:
> initialization
>   SetLength(SysUtils.TrueBoolStrs, 1);
>   SetLength(SysUtils.FalseBoolStrs, 1);
>   SysUtils.TrueBoolStrs[0] := 'true'; // or other
>   SysUtils.FalseBoolStrs[0] := 'false'; // or other
> Just ideas hehe..
> --
> Silvio Clécio
> My public projects - github.com/silvioprog
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