Coyo Stormcaller wrote:
On 03/19/2015 02:27 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
If I may suggest, if you simply want to invoke a program with a socket as standard input, you can just use (x)inetd, it comes by default on all unix installations, and does just that: it is started by init, manages TCP/IP connections and spawns off a program to handle the connection with the socket handle as standard input/output.

Why reinvent the wheel ?

Synapse sounds interesting. an entire TCP/IP stack written in Object Pascal. It sounds like fun to play with, and I've actually been looking around for a userspace TCP/IP stack for a VPN project of mine.

I wonder if I could comment on a couple of misapprehensions. The first one is that the bulk of the TCP/IP stack is in the operating system, Synapse (or equivalent) isn't simply talking to a naked Ethernet device, instead it's using a group of system calls broadly referred to as "Berkeley Sockets".

While it is possible to write a complete stack from scratch in any reasonably-complete programming language, and while this has been done for e.g. embedded systems (or by idiots such as myself for demonstration/testing purposes :-), in practice it's avoided on account of (a) the amount of well-tested code that it would attempt to supplant and (b) consideration of the difficulty of implementing all required services in a single program.

Second, Pascal, in common with most modern languages, doesn't have primitives or constructs dedicated to things like sockets. Its primitives are generally restricted to features which are fairly general-purpose, with everything else being added as procedures/functions or (in modern implementations) classes... in either case loaded from libraries decoupled from the language itself.

It's interesting to compare this with some of the original ALGOL implementations or even with the original Turbo Pascal, which had a large number of keywords (e.g. to control file-open modes) which were defined as part of the language itself. Modern practice would be to make these into enumerations, which would be passed to a function as a parameter.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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