fredvs wrote:
@ Ewald and Mark => thanks for answer. ;-)

Yep, i agree, the process is "exotic" but works so good.

I have to agree too, following Martin Schreiber way: => export
LD_PRELOAD=$LIBPORTAUDIO, before to run the executable works too.

And is maybe safer.
And do not need dynlibs in uses section.
And no need to unloadlib().

So, in short, use loadlibrary() to pre-load a library works but better not
use it ;-)

The best way would be to first find out what package in the OS installs the symlink or files you need, and to document this as a prerequisite.

The next-best way would be to investigate whether the wrapper can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and export this to the loaded program.

The next-next-best way would be LD_PRELOAD, since this potentially has path issues of its own.

After that comes the way you first thought of :-)

For problems like this,  man  is your friend.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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