Serguei TARASSOV wrote on Thu, 02 Jul 2015:

Object type can be used as "advanced record" in FPC mode only.
I'm agreed that it is good evolution since turbo pascal.
But in Delphi mode you cannot use object type in a same manner (i.e. for operator overloading) and then should use advanced records.

We can't help that. FPC supported operator overloading long before Delphi did.

As result, when the same unit should be compiled with both Delphi and FPC, you cannot use the power of both languages but only subset of them.

I still don't understand this argument. If you want to compile a unit both with FPC and Delphi, develop the code in Delphi (so you don't accidentally use FPC-specific routines from the FPC RTL) and use {$mode delphi} to compile it in FPC. Of course you can't use FPC-specific features if you want to compile your code also with Delphi, just like you can't use GCC-specific features if you want to compile your code also with MSVC.

Over time, we add all (or at least most) features that Delphi support to {$mode delphi}. It's true that we don't immediately support all features that Delphi has, but that's not because we refuse to support them. It's simply because in an open source project the only features that get supported are the ones that people write patches for (and these people can be anyone).

For the same reason, not spending time on FPC features would not automatically mean that support for Delphi features would be implemented sooner: in an open source project, people primarily work on what they care about themselves.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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