On 09/24/2015 09:48 AM, Bo Berglund wrote:
I want to check my options regarding Lazarus and FPC.

If I develop a program on Windows Lazarus, move it to Debian Lazarus
(x86) and then finally want to compile on ARM on for example Raspberry
Pi but outside of Lazarus, how is that done?

the lpr file contains the initial pascal code for the project...

Does FPC recognize the Lazarus project file such that paths etc are

do you mean those in the lpi xml file? not as far as i know... it is extraneous outside of lazarus...

Or is thare a separate file for FPC I have to prepare in order to set
the unit paths?

i specify them on the command line or add them to the "local to the project" fpc.cfg file...

i have a few projects that i copy from winwhatever and *nix lazarus to OS/2 for compiling in that environment so i'm familiar with the situation because lazarus is not available for OS/2... i copy the lpr and any other code files... then possibly adjust a local fpc.cfg unless the system-wide one works for this project, and finally compile...

fpc -B myproject.lpr

i actually have a script that i build with so as to get a log if/when i need 

===== 4OS2 cmd script =====

@echo off
if exist *.o   del /q *.o
if exist *.ppu del /q *.ppu
set fpcopts=-vehinw -B -CF64 -Fulibs\neededlib -omyprojectp.exe
iff '%1' eq '' .or. %@lower['%1'] eq 'debug' then
  set fpcopts=%fpcopts -ghl -dDEBUG
  set fpcopts=%fpcopts -dRELEASE
rem echo compiling command line to log file... '^' is escape in 4OS2 for literal chars
echo fpc %fpcopts myproject.lpr ^|^& tee /a builditp.log | tee builditp.log
echo. | tee /a builditp.log
echo on
rem execute compiling command line
fpc %fpcopts myproject.lpr |& tee /a builditp.log
@unset fpcopts

===== /4OS2 cmd script =====

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