On Mon, 22 Feb 2016, Serguei TARASSOV wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt wrote
On Mon, 22 Feb 2016, Serguei TARASSOV wrote:


UniDAC doesn't compile with Lazarus 1.6/FPC 3.0.
The case may be reproduced on following example.

To my knowledge, this has never worked.


History log is below :)

Well, the compiler is on my side:

home: >ppcx64-2.6 td.pp
td.pp(13,34) Error: Identifier not found "FieldDefs"
td.pp(16,16) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

home: >ppcx64-2.6.4 td.pp
td.pp(13,34) Error: Identifier not found "FieldDefs"
td.pp(16,16) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

I suspect some refactoring in UniDAC is the cause of your problem. A "with" gone wrong ?

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