On 2016-02-23 10:54, Serguei TARASSOV wrote:
> I see, but *it's not my code*, its a code of the big third-party framework
> that is working well with all version of Delphi/C++ builder and Lazarus 1.x
> with FPC 2.6.4.

Well, now it doesn't work with FPC 3.0. ;-)

> You cannot recommend them to change code.

Why not. Many 3rd party libraries need to update there code for newer
Delphi and FPC releases. This is just one of those cases. This is not
ever limited to the Object Pascal language, it affects any programming

Plus, it's another excellent example of why you shouldn't use WITH. I
don't care how many disagree with me, I always thought it a bad language

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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