El 20/10/2016 a las 11:09, LacaK escribió:

I have noticed, that tool for importing type library into pas
incorrectly imports interface methods, which should have "var" parameter.

For example in my case imported:
ScGetStringValue(Type_:Integer;Value:WideString):Integer;dispid 33;
but it should be:
   function ScGetStringValue(Type_:Integer;var
Value:WideString):Integer;dispid 33;

I think, that it is bug as far as delphi imports same type library with

Has somebody similar experience?


I had fixed some of this bugs in:


And my patch was applied with small modification (as noted by Michael Van Canneyt) and I'm not sure if this modification alters the "var" inclusion in some fields.

Unfortunatly I'm not working with the TLBs anymore so I can not perform more tests. Maybe you can try to look at my patch and replace the last lines in your typelib.pas and recompile fpc tool.


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