On 2016-11-09 07:28, Lars wrote:
> However, how compatible are
> these widget sets with each other?

All LCL widgetsets (interfaces) are supposed to be 100% compatible. Lets
take the simplest case. A new application with a single button on the
main form. That will work no matter which LCL widgetset you use. Simply
toggle the LCLWidgetType setting between LCL-Qt, LCL-GTK2, LCL-fpGUI and
recompile, and the application will run without any code changes. They
will all be LCL based applications, just they will use a different
underlying (wrapped) GUI toolkit.

But as I mentioned, they are supposed to be 100% compatible, but in
reality they are not. Some widgetsets support features others don't. eg:
LCL-Qt supports MDI applications, but the others don't. LCL-GTK2 allows
tabsheets with tabs on the right edge but text is still horizontal,
other LCL widgets don't. LCL-Cocoa doesn't allow a Form.Color property
change, but other widgetsets do. The list goes on. This is the major
drawback of LCL - inconsistency across platforms and widgetset
interfaces. Pure fpGUI applications (that don't rely on LCL) don't have
this problem.

When working on a LCL application, also take a look in the Object
Inspector window. There is a "Restricted" tab which lists features of
each widget that works on some LCL interfaces but not on others. That
list is not 100% complete either.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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