Am 10.11.2016 04:30 schrieb "African Wild Dog" <>:
> 2016-11-07 14:15 GMT-02:00 Sven Barth <>:
>> Am 07.11.2016 15:58 schrieb "African Wild Dog" <>:
>> > It is intended to change such compiler behavior in the future? It is
incompatible with Delphi and moreover it force us to break the
encapsulation of the Generic types.
>> I can't answer this without you providing an example that fails.
> Sorry for the noise. Some of my classes were bad designed. They look like
this sample (Delphi XE 6 compiles):
> ==== CODE BEGIN ====
> unit sample;
> {$MODE delphi}
> interface
> type
>   TGenericRecord<T> = record
>   strict private
>     Interf: IInterface;
>     type
>       TMockIntfObject<T> = record // Nested generic declaration
>       end;
>   public
>     FValue: T;
>     procedure SetValue(Value: T);
>   end;
> implementation
> { TGenericRecord<T> }
> procedure TGenericRecord<T>.SetValue(Value: T);
> begin
>   Interf := TMockIntfObject.Create;
> end;
> end.
> ==== END ====
>  With fpc i got the error "Fatal: Declation of generic class inside
another generic class is not allowed".

Nested generics are currently indeed not supported. They are on my ToDo
list however.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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