
Sent by: "fredvs" <fi...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 9:12 AM

PS: MSEgui has a perfectly working assisted interface.

Thanks, I will take a "look" at that, bearing in mind that sighted folks often over estimate how usable anything will be for non-sighted folks.

What do you mean with "unfriendly" nature of their video displays" ?

In my experience, I have come to believe that there must be more than one technique for providing an editable field or editable screen shown on the video display. In support of that belief I offer the fact that I can use the Windows NotePad text-editor to enter thousands of characters, review any of those characters or alter any of them with no difficulty and both of the screen-readers at my disposal provide flawless feedback regarding the identity of every character. On the other hand, there exists other software packages which must be providing those editable areas via some technique other than that used by the NotePad program because neither of my screen-readers can provide any bit of feedback regarding what might appear there and neither can either screen-reader enable me to enter any type of characters therein. I only know that which I have just explained, knowing nothing about the how's and why's of it.

Did you enable "Voice Assisted" feature of ideU ?

Yes, after much trial and error or, probably more accurately, much trial and failure. Evidently, IDEU defaults to an environment other than Windows because the default path to the folder containing the text-to-speech package contains slash characters instead of back-slashe characters. Naturally, that fact requires that the edit field provided to edit or enter the appropriate path name must be edited. Neither of my screen-readers could enable me to delete or edit characters from that field. Eventually I navigated to that desired folder, used one screen-reader to copy the path to the Windows clipboard, then, using the other screen-reader, returned to the edit field of interest and pasted the correct path name into that field. To my amazement, that worked! So, now it talks, sometimes. If there any documentation describing how to use this feature to greatest advantage, I have yet to discover it.

What would you want to make ideU more friendly assisted ?

I have no idea how you have accomplished what you have done thus far, however, I fear that a great deal more work would be required to make this a truely accessible project. Besides the difficulty described immediately above, there is precious little feedback provided for common operations. For example, after I launch IDEU, if I press the key combination "Alt key + The letter F," the currently selected menu option is voiced. If I failed to understand what was spoken, I have found no means by which I can have the same announcement restated. So, I thought, I'll just press the down-arrow key where I will surely hear an announcement describing the next item on the option list under the File menu. Then, I can press the up-arrow key and I will here the same announcement that I didn't quite understand just moments before. Well, the only announcements heard when pressing the down-arrow key or the up-arrow key was "down" and then "up." I'm sure that you can appreciate that it is more important to hear the name of the newly highlighted menu option than it is to hear which arrow-key has been pressed. As for the edit screen where one would expect to enter their source code, I cannot say whether that is accessable or not because I was never able to get into one, as far as I could determine. I don't mean to sound like a harsh critic, its just obvious to me that sighted folks have no true understanding of the obstacles faced by those of us who are without any usable sight. Furthermore, as I stated earlier, if there is any documentation for the proper use of the accessability features of IDEU, perhaps such documentation would enlighten me as to how to overcome the obstacles I have described herein. If such documentation exists, please advise how and where it may be acquired.

I am open for any suggestions.

I wish I could offer some helpful suggestions, however, I have no idea how the authors of the existing screen-reader software packages capture the display data and pass it on to the text-to-speech engines. Suffice it to say that the two screen-readers available to me have been around for years, have been constantly updated and still they have many problems providing complete access to all that is out there. Having said all that, I would have no difficulty understanding your reluctance to attemp to perfect accessability for IDEU.

Please believe that I do appreciate your interest and your efforts.


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