I couldn't find the source for the manuals, e.g. [prog.pdf](
http://www.freepascal.org/docs.var). Does someone know where I can find

Some other questions:

  - In prog.pdf there is a section about "Compiler and RTL source tree
structure". Is there some documentation about the (not-mentioned but huge)
'package' folder?
    - (I suppose 'rtl' folder is the base for the compiler and 'package'
kind of an extended standard library? In 'package' there are folders like
'fcl_<name>', 'rtl_<name>' and (many) <name>, how is this motivated?

  - There is wiki docu about fpcmake and FPMake. But I'm still a bit
ignorant about the purpose of the latter. Could it be ignored? When I
looked up source code installation instructions, in the forum it was
mentioned to get the code and then ~ `make distclean; make all; make
install`. This sounds more familiar to me than compiling code into a binary
    - With FPMake I see the aim to split the code up into packages (with
units, binaries, examples and documentation). But I don't (yet) understand
why it builds fpmake-executables to do so? (Really ignorant: and why e.g.
there isn't 'just a hypothetical github-package-project' which can be
cloned, built and installed)? Is there any docu, discussion about this

Thanks a lot.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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