On 05/11/2017 09:37 AM, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:>> Am 11.05.2017

18:14 schrieb "Jon Foster" <jon-li...@jfpossibilities.com >
<mailto:jon-li...@jfpossibilities.com>>:> > Anyhow tips on the FPC->C++
front would be appreciated. I will probably > search the list archives
as I know this topic comes up repeatedly. I > don't understand how
ginormous an undertaking this might be but maybe I > can contribute
something on this front.>> I can't speak for other approaches to
interface with C++ code, but > patches to the compiler's cppclass
support are definitely welcome :D It > will never support everything
there is in C++, but if we'd manage to > interface with most library
code that would be something...

Apologies for bad threading here. Sven, can I just go off on a slight tangent before that part of the discussion adjourns to fpc-devel, since this is a user rather than a developer question.

What's the current situation with FPC interface to the Subversion support libraries which I think is something you were looking at at one point?

In extremis, I suppose that it should be possible for a program written in FPC to use Lua as a shim when calling C++.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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