On 2017-05-15 11:59, James Richters wrote:
When I try to install 64 bit windows
version, I don't have this anymore

The Free Pascal project, for some weird reason, only ships a 64-bit Windows cross-compiler. So you need both the 32-bit and 64-bit installs. I don't know why they do this.

Simply compile your own _full_ 64-bit FPC, by installing a previous or current stable 32-bit release. Download the latest stable release source code. And then build a new 64-bit target compiler and tools.

It might sound complicate, but the process is pretty easy. Here is a batch file I normally use to do this for me.

=========================[ go.bat ]============================
set TARGET=x86_64-win64
set COMPILER=c:\lazarus\fpc\2.6.2\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe
set NEWFPC=2.6.4

cd src
make clean

make all FPC=%COMPILER%
rem OPT="-Fl/usr/local/lib"

make install INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\lazarus\fpc\%NEWFPC%\%TARGET% FPC=%COMPILER%

cd ..

Adjust the paths and versions to match your environment.

But again, I don't know why the FPC team doesn't make an official full 64-bit Windows release??


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