Am 19.05.2017 13:32 schrieb "Graeme Geldenhuys" <>:
> On 2017-05-19 12:11, Nikolay Nikolov wrote:
>> In FPC, if you want to use SSE and
>> avoid the x87 FPU, you have to compile with a specific compiler options
>> and forfeit the option for your executable to run on non-SSE capable
>> CPUs, because FPC generates native code. If you want to keep
> All good and well... Yes, we tried compiling the demo with SSE3
explicitly enabled. No performance increase! What did happen though is that
we got random crashes after a few seconds of the application running.

You only compiled the program with SSE, but not the RTL. And to completely
avoid the x87 FPU you additionally need to fiddle around with some
defines/code inside the compiler as well.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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