On 20/05/17 12:30, Bart wrote:
On 5/20/17, Mark Morgan Lloyd <markmll.fpc-pas...@telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
According to the Programmer's Guide 1.3.41, {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX OFF} has> the 
effect of permitting the result of a function to be ignored.
Isn't that just the other way around?
"Extended syntax allows you to drop the result of a function. Thismeans that you can 
use a function call as if it were a procedure.By default this feature is on. You can 
switch it off using the {$X-}or {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX OFF}directive."

Just a mo, let me have another shot at that in case I was doing something stupid...

it's definitely got to be on for optional parameters to be accepted, and that appears to be the default state if {$mode objfpc}{$H+} is at the top of the unit.

The curious thing is that in the cold light of day I can't get $EXTENDEDSYNTAX to have any effect on the function result. I'll admit what I'm doing:

operator <= (var a: TDateTimeArray; const s: TDateTime): boolean;

  result := Length(a) > 0;
  SetLength(a, Length(a) + 1);
  a[High(a)] := s
end { <= } ;

operator + (const a: TDateTimeArray; const s: TDateTime): TDateTimeArray;

var     b: boolean;

  result := a;
  if Length(result) = 0 then
    { b := } result <= s
    result[High(result)] += s
end { + } ;

If I uncomment the boolean assignment it works. Where I appeared to be last night was that setting $EXTENDEDSYNTAX OFF had the above working, but I'm now having trouble duplicating it. And I hadn't touched a drop :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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