On 2017-06-03 17:45, Stefan V. Pantazi wrote:
Also, for the example
to work, the agg object constructor must be modified as well, I included
all the info in the example header.

I noted the remarks on the image buffer format being hard-coded for the Agg_2D unit. I'll make a plan for improving that, using some Factory (design) Pattern to register the pixel buffer format of interest.

I think the example program
(aggpas_ptcgraph_output.pas) fits well together with the other demos in
fpGUI and PtcPas/ptcgraph packages, so adding it to the packages would
help, regardless whether graph.PutImage documentation is updated.

Thanks. I'll download the ptcgraph unit and give it a test. I'll all the demo to fpGUI's AggPas demos too. It will be a good addition.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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