On 18/08/17 07:45, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
On 2017-08-18 08:15, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:> There's a> specific gotcha related to differences in the way Linux and Solaris> handle select(),

I saw some of those in th serial.pp in FPC trunk. Thanks for the information.

I've got this terrible habit of inserting comments... :-)

I'm not aware of a reliable, cross-platform way of getting a complete> list of all serial-like devices.
To be honest, this is not much of an issue - more of a nice-to-have. It will only need to be set up once for the application anyway.

This is more of an issue than it used to be since, as a particular example, if something like an Arduino resets itself the kernel is likely to assign this a new named device. Having to restart an app to track this is irritating, but tracking udev (or whatever) events is probably overkill.

I'd suggest that a good policy would be to recognise various patterns at startup (/dev/ttyS*, /dev/ttyUSB* and so on) and to be prepared to accept incrementing numeric suffixes as they appear.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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