Am 23.08.2017 16:01 schrieb "Anthony Walter" <>:
> As to what they are useful for, consider the following:
> type
>   // IShellLink is define by Microsoft
>   IShellLinkHelper = record helper for IShellLink
>   public
>     procedure Save(const Target, Description, Link: string);
>   end;
> procedure IShellLinkHelper.Save(const Target, Description, Link: string);
> var
>   P: IPersistsFile;
> begin
>   SetPath(Target);
>   SetDescription(Description);
>   if Self is IPersistsFile then
>   begin
>     P := Self as IPersistsFile;
>     P.Save(Link, True);
>   end;
> end;

And I just noticed: it's "type helper" if you want to extend an interface,
not "record helper" ;)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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