Am 29.08.2017 08:35 schrieb "Michael Schnell" <>:
> On 28.08.2017 08:04, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:I don't understand
why we will have no more the right to use it under x64 OS...
>> Because Microsoft declared it as deprecated. That means that should
Microsoft ever bring out a 64-bit only OS ...
> In fact this still is a (mere) portability problem. Supposedly in such a
64-bit only OS, 32 bit executables will not lose "extended" but will not be
able to be started at all.
> In fact I suppose there will be possibilities to run them in a virtual
machine. E.g. Virtual Box already can build up an invisible "one window"
virtual machine for a single running program.

The point here was if the FPU is used in a x64 process, which *is*
possible, but disabled by default in the compiler.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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