In our previous episode, Mark Morgan Lloyd said:
> > Can you ellaborate a bit more on this Michael? Like how and where it 
> > isused? (Not mentioning company names, if it's a problem.) I was 
> > thinkingabout using it in various places, but as I don't know how widely 
> > they'retested and used and under what conditions, I didn't had the balls to 
> > offerthis as viable alternative against competing technology X.
> > We definitely need more use case studies...
> The only problems I've experienced with FPC's support for PostgreSQL 
> were related to handling SQL queries (e.g. spurious parameter 
> substitution) rather than to dataflow. As such they were predictable and 
> could be worked round.

Zeljan once explained an interesting practical problem he had.

He said the connection per transaction model could be dangerous, specially
in a mobile era where connections are often broken, and thus must wait on
timeout.  This means during rush times, a server can run out of a fairly
limited ephemeral port inventory before abandoned connections start to time

That is a postgres problem though, not the FPC components.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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