On 01/01/18 13:00, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
I remember back in 2012 (I think) there was a large discussion about implementing support for the zSeries IBM mainframes. The wiki had many pages on the topic too.
Anybody know what actually happened with those efforts? Was there something usable in the end?

There was a lot of discussion that boiled down to five things:

* Should the compiler (as distinct from the generated code) use EBCDIC and what effect did this have on collation order assumptions?

* Older members of the range used a proprietary floating-point format.

* Older members of the range didn't have dedicated stack operations and were restricted to a 12-bit relative addressing offset.

* Allowing for the unrestricted availability of 1980s operating systems that were restricted to the above, what should the target of an FPC implementation be?

* What assembler would be supported, allowing that IBM system software long described interfaces in terms of assembler macros?

One developer- who put a lot in the wiki- appeared to grind to a halt when he realised that it wasn't possible to generate a static cross-reference listing for the FPC compiler, due to the number of runtime decisions made based on the class of elements in the parse tree etc.

If I may express two personal opinions:

* My preferred target hardware would be the oldest that got stack and large-offset support, which was also where GCC started taking it fairly seriously. I believe there is at least one GCC port that targets older hardware (Paul Edwards?).

* My preferred target operating system would be VM/380, which is VM/370 with what is effectively a DOS extender to allow it to compile programs that require >16 MegaOctets. My basis for this preference is that its lineage (Multics etc.) makes it pleasingly familiar to people used to PC-DOS and unix, I've been criticised by somebody who would prefer MVS on the basis that the interface macros are different but I consider this to be a detail since the code generation would probably be common.

Bernd Oppolzer is actively maintaining a derivative of the original "P" compiler on VM/370 http://bernd-oppolzer.de/job9.htm and I expect this to be bundled with the next release of the VM/370 "Sixpack" http://www.smrcc.org.uk/members/g4ugm/vm-370/VM370sixpack-1_3-Beta.zip which will run on top of the Hercules emulator. I can't remember whether he was able to compile it using FPC, there were some string-expansion issues (relating to mainframes using fixed-length records) giving him problems.

Gotta go, venison's done :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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