IMHO, the TJSJSON external class definition is incorrect.
Currently, we have class function, if you want to use the stringify method,
use this wierd way: TJSJSON.stringify( jsObject);
I think code that don't have mutual dependencies should be separate in
unit ECMA.Json;interface{$mode objfpc}{$modeswitch externalclass}type
TKeyValueProcessor = function (Key: String; Value: JSValue): JSValue;
JJSON = class external name 'JSON' public function parse(Text: String):
JSValue; overload; function parse(Text: String; Reviver:
TKeyValueProcessor): JSValue; overload; function stringify(const Value:
JSValue): String; overload; function stringify(const Value: JSValue;
Replacer: TKeyValueProcessor): String; overload; function stringify(const
Value: JSValue; Replacer: TKeyValueProcessor; Space: String): String;
overload; end;var JSON: JJSON; external name 'JSON';implementationend.
and use like this: JSON.stringify( JsonObject );
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