On 02/04/18 09:45, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

remove the whiskers.
As an exercise I have done the job for you. See here:
It's of course better to improve the original, I am not an artist.(I even would get rid of more elements, but let's start with this) If we're talking branding anyway (a subject I loathe), then a logo should represent the company/product group, whatever. So, the FPC logo should exhale maturity, strength, prowess, self-confidence.
Hardly things one associates with a kitten.
FPC is an open-source project dating back to the days the word "open source" did not exist. So maturity is important. Using marketing/branding talk:Given that I think your version looks like a kitten, you will understand that for the reasons explained above, I would not want to be "associated" with the logo as you proposed it now.

More to the point, why is a Cheetah logo being discussed in the context of Free Pascal?

If FPC is to have a logo it should be distinct from Lazarus since it's a separate project, although ideally they'd be complementary: an expanse of bushveldt with a couple of trees or similar (but please, no prey animals).

There's also the important question of whether an image selected as a logo can be scaled down to be used as an icon.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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