On 05/05/18 21:15, James Richters wrote:
I'm having an issue with one of my programs that I suspect is being caused by a 
recursive loop... in simplified form... something like this:
Procedure Proc1;Begin   Proc2;End;Procedure Proc2;Begin   Proc1;End;
I ended up getting a runtime error and the report showed something like above, 
where I had a loop of the same 3 procedures calling each other over and over in 
sequence in a loop before the actual error.   Unfortunately I didn't take down 
all the information because I thought I could make it happen again.. but I 
haven't had the runtime error again... however under certain conditions 
sequences that normally happen very fast become very slow and I suspect it 
somehow is getting into this recursive loop again.
It's a very large very complicated program and trying figure out where this is 
happening is becoming quite a challenge.   I was wondering if there is some 
method of detecting these recursive loops, either during compilation, or is 
there some option that would force a runtime error if a loop of procedures 
Any ideas how to identify potential unintentional loops?

I occasionally put entry/exit counters on functions that I suspect are going to be a problem, InterlockedIncrement() etc. You can obviously have your code check that as a verification of sanity, or pick up a haig value using a conditional breakpoint.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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