On 31/05/18 10:45, Dennis wrote:
Darius Blaszyk wrote:> Hi,>> For a hard real-time project I am considering using freepascal. As > this is my first endeavour in real-time I would like to ask the > community on their experiences. Is FPC suitable for this kind of > applications? If so what commercially available boards are out there? > I believe a beagle bone for instance is capable of doing realtime > applications because of the PRU.

Which are certainly good for data capture, anything more complicated than that and I hope you're good at assembler.

other credit card size boards > worthwhile investigating? What RTOS do people have good experience > with in combination with freepascal?>I am not sure Beagle Bone is a good choice because it seemed to have supply problem for many years. It is hard to purchase large quantity of it.In the past, I have use raspberry Pi connected to many simple devices via a serial bus. The PI acts as a server to accept commands from the internet and forward them to the devices on the serial bus and pass back the responses to the internet.  The software was written in FPC.

It's notable that the Boeing "Dreamliner" uses Ethernet heavily for both control and passenger entertainment, allegedly with the various subsystems both firewalled and airgapped (which raises the question: would one really need both if one were confident in what he was doing?).

Also, check out this https://ultibo.org/Which is an embedded OS written in FPC, so you just modify the source code to include your application and recompile a new embedded OS for use with raspberry Pi.That way, it has lower latency and lower RAM requirement than running your FPC program on top of the Linux OS.

Which is certainly a valiant attempt, although my tastes run towards systems with robust protection between segments/addressspaces.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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