On 20/06/18 20:00, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:

Addendum: the support for the "+" operator is now coupled to a new modeswitch "ArrayOperators". If the modeswitch is enabled, then the operator can not be overloaded and it also won't be used even if an overload from a unit without the modeswitch is in scope (the compiler however issues a warning if this is the case, so you can either remove the overload or disable the modeswitch). If the modeswitch is not enabled then everything behaves as before. The modeswitch is enabled by default in Delphi modes as this feature was added for Delphi compatibility. If you want to disable it in those modes then you need to do this:
=== code begin ===
{$mode delphi}{$modeswitch arrayoperators-} // Note the "-"
=== code end ===

Sven, please could we have a further update when you decide what version of the compiler will get the new facility, so that those of us with code that might clash can make sure we have version-specific conditionals in place.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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