On Wed, 18 Jul 2018 21:26:05 -0400
Ben Grasset <operato...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is a massive oversimplification. Many *modern* game engines do not
> even have the kind of loop you're thinking of.
Please tell me where I can read up about those engines without cyclic executive?
Are those engines interrupt driven or how are they working?
Where is the gain in not having a loop?
Keeping your timing consistent with just semaphores sounds like a nightmare to 
me and not a win.
In the end the loop is in the OS (listening for events/interrupts) no matter 
what you do (except using a real time OS, but I don't know any console running 
on one (they run BSD) and PC gaming is Windows).
I am little out of the loop (no pun intended) regarding game engines so which 
engines are *modern*?
Unreal 5 does still have a loop and current Unity, too, so they seem to be old 
fashioned (contrary to me thinking they are modern).

>> Outside the game loop you do not need such a 'high performance' anymore.
>Says who?
Mr. Common-Sense says that you can waste a few nano/milliseconds if you are 
outside a run and only updating (slow) user input and interface (menus).
But he's not always right and eager to hear about situations where this time 
cannot be spent.

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