Am 21.07.2018 um 22:43 schrieb Ben Grasset:
On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 1:20 AM, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal < <>> wrote:

    Because a feature might change the language in a way that's not in
    the spirit of the language. Look at how Delphi implemented
    attributes: they're declared in front of the types, fields,
    parameters, whatever, simply copied from how C# implemented them
    while in the spirit of Pascal they should have been *after* the


    fpc-pascal maillist  -

C# itself is heavily inspired by Delphi though, as it's another Anders Hejlsberg project. I fail to see what the "spirit of the language" has to do with anything as far as attributes, either.

Shouldn't the attribute tags just be put wherever it's easiest for the compiler to deal with them?
If we go by that then the current attribute syntax is especially bad, because the compiler now needs to gracefully fail with declarations like this:

=== code begin ===


=== code end ===

If there'd be a syntax to add them as postfix ones then it would be easier for the compiler (the following is merely an example):

=== code begin ===

  TSomeClass = class(TObject) with [TSomeAttribute]
    fSomeField with [TSomeOtherAttribute]: LongInt;
    property WhatEver: LongInt read fSomeField with [TYetAnotherAttribute];

=== code end ===

I think the vast majority of people care far more about how/usefulPascal actually is in real life/than they do about whether or not it fulfills some not-well-defined notion of "spirit".
And that's why there are people who *do* care about it. Of course you can put everything and the kitchen think into a language. But if it doesn't fit the language than you'll simply end up with a melting pot that doesn't feel coherent. Also while people might not consciously think about the spirit of the language I think they'll feel if the language is coherent with itself or not.

Also, as far as I can tell, most of the people who use FPC would consider the Delphi way to be the correct or normal way of doing things in the first place.
Considering that more often than not there are discussions on these lists if we should continue to follow Delphi compatibility or not you might be surprised...

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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