Am Mi., 28. Nov. 2018, 09:41 hat Ryan Joseph <>

> I just noticed I sent this to the wrong person and the list never saw it
> so I’m sending it again. I feel like I should try to fix it while I’ve got
> my eyes on the generics code before I forget.
> Is there a reason it’s not implemented yet? In theory you should be able
> to specialize a function as a type and use the type name as the function
> name. This is basically the same syntax for class construction but without
> the .create.
> ====================
> As a side node I haven’t been willing to use generic functions yet because
> the syntax is so verbose it kind of defeats the purpose.
> Why can’t we specialize functions as a type? Maybe that’s on the todo list
> also?

Because that is not supposed to work. Generic routines are *routines*, not
types. You can't define aliases for routines either, not to mention the
problems with scoping as generic methods exist as well.

Generic routines however have a different boon in Delphi that I plan to add
as well: inference of the type parameters based on the parameters the user
passed. In that case the type parameter clause as well as the "specialize"
in non-Delphi modes would not need to be used and it would look like a
normal, non-generic call.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

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