Am 27.02.2019 um 01:42 schrieb AB:
Hi Guys,

I have tried to update my old web project that is in maintenance mode since a few years now, using the latest stable Lazarus/FPC, and fcl-web just does not want to work (Tried Lazarus 1.8.4/FPC 3.0.4, Lazarus 2.0.0/FPC 3.0.4 with Apache 2.4, on Linux x86_64, though the OS should not matter with fcl-web).

So, after I could not make my original project work with the newer fcl-web, I have created a basic Lazarus project: File -> New -> CGI Application, and added a default action that just returns a simple html page:

procedure Tblahblah.WebDefaultActionRequest(Sender: TObject;
  ARequest: TRequest; AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
  Handled := true;
  AResponse.Content := '<html><body>This function is not implemented yet. ' + DateTimeToStr(Now) + '</body></html>';

This one did not work either. Tried in docker with apache-alpine, docker with apache, heck, even put it on my live Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache web server at the end, with the same result, an error HTML page from the CGI application:
"The application encountered the following error:

    Error: Not found
    Stack trace:

Did anyone test this fcl-web part lately?

BTW, A simple CGI application works OK (File -> New -> Custom CGI Application), though there are no Actions, of course:

Procedure TMyCGIHandler.HandleRequest(ARequest : Trequest; AResponse : TResponse);

  // Your code here
  AResponse.Content := '<html>Something. (' + ARequest.QueryString + ')</html>';

Any reproduction or help is appreciated.
Just a guess: does adding "Application.LegacyRouting := True;" in the main source file fix the problem? If so then you should read up on the differences between the old, legacy routing and the newer more flexible one here:

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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