On 9.4.2019 12.45, LacaK wrote:

        Note that you probably don't need two different cross
        compilers if your cpu-OS target is the same

        Target CPU family is same: "arm", but Target processor is not
        the same: "ARMv4" versus "ARMv7" ...

        So I do not know if this requires two pre-compiled
        cross-compilers or not?

    You only need different compilers if you have different ABIs
    (e.g. Soft Float vs. Hard Float). For WinCE that isn't applicable

    So it does not matter how I build cross-compiler using
    FpcUpDeluxe: wheter I use "-Cparmv5" or "-Cparmv7A" ?


    Then there is still problem with precompiled RTL/packages?

    Because when I only change "Target processor" (in Lazarus build
    using FpcUpDeluxe) I can compile application, but I can not run it
    on target system (so I guess, that resulting EXE is not compiled
    for target processor).

    When I add to Custom options: -CfVFPV2 then I get error while
    compiling: Fatal: Can't find unit system used by Test1

    When I download and install default Lazarus and cross-compiler
    then when I change "Target processor" to "ARMv5" or "ARMv7A" I
    get: "project1.lpr(22,0) Error: Error while assembling exitcode 1"

As said by Christo you need to select the correct set of compiled units. Also you need to select the correct processor type when building your application.

I did this test:

1. I have precompiled units for "-Cparmv5" and "-Cparmv7A"and I have saved these precompiled units 2. Then I copy "v5" units to expected directory (of FpcUpDeluxe structure) fpc\units\arm-wince 3. Then I run Lazarus and try build for Target processor ARMv5 and run on target system ... works

4. Then I have copied "v7" units over prior "v5" units
5. I repeated step 3 ... works on target system with ARMv7 processor

Until now only question is :
Can I set somewhere (in Project Options), in inteligent way, where compiler will look for precompiled units ... to be able in one project switch between Build modes, where each build mode will look in other directory ?

But when I try set also "-CfFPV2" (in Project Options / Custom Options ) then I get:

Fatal: Cannot find system used by fcllaz. Make sure all ppu files of a package are in its output directory. ppu in wrong directory=D:\TEMP\fpcupdeluxe\fpc\units\arm-wince\rtl\system.ppu..

I can resolve this error (beside using precompiled units with same flag set) by adding "-CfFPV2" also in fpc.cfg after:

So in this use case it is not sufficient only have two (or third) distinct sets of precompiled units ...

So can these problems be solved somehow using only Project Options without need to modify fpc.cfg ?

Btw. in fpc.cfg I have:
# searchpath for units and other system dependent things

Can this be avoided in fpc.cfg and transfered to Project Options ? (is /* supported in Lazarus, becuase Lazarus complains about non-existent directory)



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You can use IDE macros in path names at Project Options.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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