Am 14.04.2019 um 04:07 schrieb Ben Grasset:
I dunno about setting them globally, but generally I do find modeswitches rather annoying, as the combination of features is pretty arbitrary, and they mostly just *disallow* things that couldn't break the code of people who weren't using those features to begin with if they were allowed.

E.G, I sincerely doubt that anybody has *ever* thought, "man, I sure am glad that {$mode ObjFPC} does not allowed advanced records. It would be specifically bad if it did!" because it just doesn't matter if they weren't using advanced records to start with. It's just a lot of minor rules that nobody can really explain but that tend to add up in relatively annoying ways.
The thing is that we do try to be backwards compatible and thus rather conservative with mode ObjFPC. E.g. the following code compiles without the modeswitch set, but not with:

=== code begin ===

program tmw;

{$mode objfpc}

  TTest = record
    private: LongInt;
    public: LongInt;
    protected: LongInt;
    strict: Longint;



=== code end ===

This hasn't always been done optimally in the past, e.g. when I added class helper support back in '12 or so I didn't protect the changes behind a modeswitch. Something I would not do today.

Also the modeswitch itself is definitely required as definitely not all language modes should support advanced records by default (e.g. TP or ISO).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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