A program I have been working on for years has suddenly developed a bug in it 
and at a certain point, it is just terminating and not giving me any runtime 
errors or any error of any kind.   It's just running.... running... running... 
then BAM - GONE, no explanation....    %errorlevel% is -1073741819   

I have been trying to track it down by putting writeln's in my code before and 
after the section that is causing me the problem, but without the diagnostic 
information I normally get, this is very tedious.    I am at a point now where 
I've determined that it's something in a data processing loop that has hundreds 
of case statements... If I try to writeln all so I can see what's the last 
thing it wrote to the console before it crashed, it takes so long to run it's 
going to take me a very long time.   If I had the runtime error or some kind of 
information, I would have fixed this in minutes, but doing it this way has 
already taken me hours.

I wrote a sample program that generates a runtime error on purpose and it's 
working fine... I get the normal runtime error output I always do telling me 
what the problem is and what line number it's on.. etc... 

The strange thing about this bug is that I can run the program on the same 
computer successfully in my development directory but it crashes when it's in 
another installation I have for pre-release testing... so it's not crashing 
when I run it from the FPC text IDE.. but when I move the executable over to my 
pre-release testing directory, then it is crashing like this with no indication 
of anything except the strange errorlevel being set. 

Has anyone encountered anything like this before or know how I can make sure I 
always get the maximum amount of debugging info when my program crashes?    
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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