Apologies: when I typed "FTP" below I meant "FPC" :( I'm currently drowning in acronym soup.

On 05/09/2019 09:24, Tony Whyman wrote:

A few points:

1. IMHO: This is currently a Windows problem where the console buffer is UCS2. Linux (and probably all other cases its UTF8 - to be verified).

2. The following Microsoft blog post is interesting background on where MS are going with this:


3. The current Windows API includes "SetConsoleCP" which should (I haven't tested this) allow you to set transliteration to UTF-8 when you call the Windows ReadConsoleInput API function. This seems to imply that FTP can be a consistent UTF8 environment even when the Windows Console buffer is UCS2.

4. Because console input is buffered, you probably cannot have a situation where readln changes the console code page to fit the type (unicode or ansistring) of the variable that you are reading into.

5. You could change FTP so that under Windows, the console is always read using UCS2 with transliteration to ansistring happening when required and depending on the type of the variable that you are reading into. I think that is probably what you are asking for under Windows:

- The console code page is always UCS2.

- Console input is read into unicodestrings in native mode

- Console input is read into ansistrings with transliteration from UCS2 after the input buffer has been parsed.

- Conversion to integers, floats, etc. occurs after transliteration to ansistring in order to avoid too many changes to the RTL.

- Under other OSs, Console input is UTF8 (or a supported ANSI code page). Transliteration to unicodestrings occurs after parsing the input buffer.

6. The question is: is it worth having a different approach to Windows when Windows allows you to set the console input buffer to UTF8 and hence have a common input environment for all OSs?

On 05/09/2019 08:00, LacaK wrote:
Is there consensus/demand on such solution and any patch in this direction will be accepted? If yes we must agree on implementation details and IMO also someone must check what situation is in Delphi ... because I guess, that if Delphi does not support this that also FPC will not diverge? Question1: should be supported "SetTextCodePage(CP_UTF16)" and "SetTextCodePage(CP_UTF16BE)"?
Question2: is this supported in Delphi?
If answer to both questions is YES then I will fill bug report as start point.

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