Le 26.02.20 à 15:11, denisgolovan via fpc-pascal a écrit :
In theory yes, but it's not recommended, because Microsoft does not recommend 
it (not to mention that it isn't even remotely tested as much as the normal 
Win64 target).


Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

-- Regards,
Denis Golovan
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Well, well... Does it means that if one have scientific computations needing the extended type available on an Intel based processor with time constraints forbiding software emulation, one have to rest under a 32 bits version of windows ? Hoping/praying that 64 bits Intel based linuxes running fpc software will never experience such a monumental regression of Windows - what a nightmare ! Is Freddy Krueger so near us ?

Cheers, Ched'
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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