On Sat, 30 Jan 2021, Noel Duffy via fpc-pascal wrote:

I've added patches to resolve issue #37906, DNS over TCP, to the bug tracker:


I've broken the changes into three patches:

1. netdb.patch, which updates packages/fcl-net/src/netdb.pp, adding support for DNS over TCP 2. netdb-example.patch, which adds an example program to packages/fcl-net/examples and adds it to packages/fcl-net/examples/Makefile.fpc 3. netdb-tests.patch, which adds unit tests to packages/fcl-net/tests and updates tests/Makefile.fpc to add the new tests to the build system

I've created separate patches to simplify applying them. If there's a problem with one, the others should still be OK.

In addition to new code for DNS over TCP, this latest set of patches adds checks for writes beyond buffer boundaries and other potential security issues. Since the last update I've also added support for SRV records, as defined in RFC 2782.

Very nice indeed !! I checked your patches, they're all applied.

Thank you very much for this contribution !

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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