> On Feb 1, 2022, at 9:22 PM, Ryan Joseph <generic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If anyone understands SDL I figured out how to get around this missing main 
> linker error and program runs but then crashes. I've reported to SDL at 
> https://discourse.libsdl.org/t/crash-in-uitextfield/34711 (along with my 
> program if you're interested) but I don't have much hope because this could 
> be Pascal related and they won't know anything about this.

Btw, here is the stack trace of my crash. Why is PASCALMAIN still there if I 
renamed it to SDL_main? Shouldn't that have changed?

Thread 1 Queue : com.apple.main-thread

#0      0x00007fff2554864d in -[UIScrollView 

#1      0x00007fff25548f5d in -[UIScrollView _adjustContentOffsetIfNecessary]

#2      0x00007fff2551f4d7 in -[UIScrollView setFrame:]

#3      0x00007fff25588cb3 in UIViewCommonInitWithFrame

#4      0x00007fff25588672 in -[UIView initWithFrame:]

#5      0x00007fff2551b093 in -[UIScrollView initWithFrame:]

#6      0x00007fff25373471 in -[UIFieldEditor initWithTextField:]

#7      0x00007fff25392007 in -[UITextField _fieldEditor]

#8      0x00007fff25393d14 in -[UITextField _inputController]

#9      0x00007fff2538b5bc in -[UITextField setTextAlignment:]

#10     0x00007fff2538b742 in -[UITextField setDefaultTextAttributes:]

#11     0x00007fff2537d554 in __55-[UITextField 

#12     0x00007fff25587486 in +[UIView _performSystemAppearanceModifications:]

#13     0x00007fff2537d3da in -[UITextField 

#14     0x00000001094b87f9 in -[SDL_uikitviewcontroller initKeyboard] at 
#15     0x00000001094b7f01 in -[SDL_uikitviewcontroller initWithSDLWindow:] at 
#16     0x00000001094c7541 in SetupWindowData at 
#17     0x00000001094c7152 in UIKit_CreateWindow at 
#18     0x000000010952fff0 in SDL_CreateWindow at 
#19     0x0000000108c1ee6d in PASCALMAIN

#20     0x0000000108c4194c in FPC_SysEntry

#21     0x0000000108c1ed92 in FPC_SYSTEMMAIN ()

        Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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