On Mon, 21 Mar 2022, Victor Campillo via fpc-pascal wrote:


For years I have been using the same script to compile FPC, I have multiple version of FPC installed in the same machine, mainly my script do:

make -j 9 clean all

make -j 9 all install FPMAKEOPT="-T 9" INSTALL_PREFIX=.../fpclazarus/fpc/cmp/3.3.1 OPT="-O- -O1 -gl" PP=.../fpclazarus/fpc/lib/3.2.2/ppcx64

I have been a few months without compiling FPC trunk, but when I tried it today, I got the next message after calling "make -j 9 clean all"

make: -iVSPTPSOTO: Command not found

This indicates that the PP variable is not valid ?

I run make clean all almost daily, I have not seen what you report here.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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