Delphi and presumably Free Pascal has some language inconsistency and 
problem/short coming concerning "Union Field" and/or "Union Property":

The (previous) presented solution (included at end of post) is inconsistent in 
two ways:

1. Property of union not possible.

2. Order of field and property violations "field before property" rule.

(Both problems demonstrated in TDataExample3)


version 0.03 created on 14 august 2022 by Skybuck Flying:

Today I remember the rule which this union field is conflicting with.

The rule: "field before property"

Going to demonstrate it below

There are apperently two problems with this solution:

1. Property of union not possible ?!?

2. Inconsistent language design in respect to standard field + property relation
(order of appearance/declaration)

// ERROR "field definition not allowed after methods or properties" problem 2.


      TDataExample3 = record

//          mStandardField : integer;  // OK

            // normal/standard property
            property StandardField : integer read mStandardField write 

            mStandardField : integer;  // ERROR "field definition not allowed 
after methods or properties" problem 2.

            // union property
//          property UnionField : int64 read mData write mData;  // not 
possible, problem 1

            // union fields
            case integer of   // INCONSISTENT problem 2
                  0 : ( mData : int64 );
                  1 : ( mByte : packed array[0..7] of byte );

//          property UnionField : int64 read mData write mData;  // not 
possible, problem 1


The original problem was:

      TDataExample0 = record
            mField : integer;
            // UNION example
            case integer of
                  0 : ( mData : int64 );
                  1 : ( mByte : packed array[0..7] of byte );

            property Field read mField write mField; // DOES NOT COMPILE.

      // UNION DECLARATION example that does work without properties, just to 

      TDataExample1 = record
            mField : integer;

            // UNION example
            case integer of
                  0 : ( mData : int64 );
                  1 : ( mByte : packed array[0..7] of byte );

            // DOES COMPILE

Presented solution for union field in record with properties was:

      TDataExample2 = record
            mField : integer;

            // SOLUTION:
            property Field : integer read mField write mField;

            case integer of
                  0 : ( mData : int64 );
                  1 : ( mByte : packed array[0..7] of byte );


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