On Wed, 14 Dec 2022, Rolf Wetjen via fpc-pascal wrote:

Hi FPC team,

I'm using FPC 3.2.2 as installed with Lazarus 2.2.4.

I'm using the debugserver/dbugintf for some time and implemented some small changes to improve this duo.
The files are attached.

Changes to debugserver:
- The name of the executable file is fpcdebugserver as this is the name dbugint uses as default.
- A few small changes to the user interface. The tray icon can be disabled.

Changes dbugintf:
- All Send... procedures converted to functions Send... : Boolean returning true on success. - Added a new variable RaiseExceptionOnSendError : Boolean (false by default) to control error handling.

Is this the right way to handover or shall I follow some other instructions?

It's OK.

The normal procedure is to submit the patch on the bugtracker.

But I will apply the patch as it is. Thank you !

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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