I stumbled into a problem I don't understand.

I'm developing a little program for an ftp client. In order to connect to the site I need the site address from the site name, and the libc gethostbyname() provides the required information.

gethostbyname returns a PHostEnt type which is declared as:

THostEnt = packed record
    h_name: PChar;                  { Official name of host. }
    h_aliases: PPChar;              { Alias list.  }
    h_addrtype: Integer;            { Host address type.  }
    h_length: socklen_t;            { Length of address.  }
    case Byte of
      0: (h_addr_list: PPChar);     { List of addresses from name server.  }       1: (h_addr: PPChar);          { Address, for backward compatibility.  }
  PHostEnt = ^THostEnt;
Actually the chars h_addr points to are /hlength/ bytes to be interpreted as an /in_addr/

In order to recover h_addr I have a line which works perfectly in Delphi mode (inherited from an old Kylix app):

Addr := Pin_addr(HostEnt.h_addr^);
I believed that in objfpc mode it was sufficient to change it in

Addr := @(Pin_addr(HostEnt.h_addr^));
or in

Addr := Pin_addr(@HostEnt.h_addr^);

but such is not the case. In both cases it flags the line with the same error, i.e.:

Error: illegal qualifier
Hint: may be pointer dereference is missing
Fatal: Syntax error, ")" expected but "identifier H_ADDR" found

What I'm missing? How should i write that line of code to make it work in objfpc mode?



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