Giuliano Colla via fpc-pascal <> schrieb am
Do., 26. Jan. 2023, 18:43:

> I found in a fpc program a statement sort of:
> Type
>   TSomeType = (a,b,c)
>   TaType = set of TSometype
> var
>   setA,setB: TaType;
> .....
> *if setA * setB = [] then doSomething*;
> which I found very smart to detect if the two sets have some common
> elements, but I've been unable to find in the fpc documentation how the *
> operator is overloaded in fpc when dealing with enumerated and sets of
> enumerated types. Should I find out by trial and error or it's written
> somewhere?

You are operating on *sets*, not enums. Thus you need to look at the
documentation about set operators:


fpc-pascal maillist  -

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