Am 27.12.2023 um 12:25 schrieb James Richters via fpc-pascal:

I wanted to write what I thought should be a simple procedure, just instead of calling WRITELN() with some arguments,

call WRITELOG() with the same arguments that you would use to write to a file, but my WRITELOG() procedure would

write to the screen and the file.. but I can’t figure out how to pass all the arguments to the two WRTIELNs.


Procedure WriteLog(Filename:String, AllOtherAurguments:????);





How can I make this work?Since WRITELN can take any number of many kinds of arguments,

how can I get them all and pass them along without knowing how many or what types they are?

How does WRITELN even work when you don’t know this information?

I’m guessing there should be some way to do this, because WRITELN itself works, but how it could

possibly work is not within my experience.

The only way I could think of would be if there were versions of WRITELN with every combination

of possible arguments, but that seems completely unmanageable and ridiculous,

so there must be something more advanced going on, but maybe WRTELN is special and not something I can duplicate?

Write(Ln) is a compiler intrinsic and thus can behave in ways that are not possible for ordinary functions.

Your only ways are either to use "array of const" like "Format" does or write a text file driver as is done in the StreamIO unit which allows to assign a Stream to a TextFile that can in turn be used as the file parameter of Write(Ln). You can implement any other output through this.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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