At 9:34 am -0800 5/1/06, John Posada wrote:

>What I interpreted differently in Steve's post was him putting the
>anchor at the end of a paragraph, then trying to apply the attribute
>to the whole paragraph to control the attribute of the anchored
>frame. My approach had the anchored from divorced from the paragraph
>above it.
>Whatever...if it works for him, it works, if not, not. I'm not going
>to rehash a subject I've already addressed, right or wrong. There are
>too many other issues in my queue.
>Steve...If I misdirected you, my appologies, though I don't know if I
>did or not.

Hey guys, I didn't mean to start a battle ;-)

I think... ahem... that both of you are correct, and the debate stems from 
misunderstanding. Performing what John suggests to select the anchored frame 
selects the paragraph containing the frame's anchor as well, and any paragraph 
tag you select is applied to that. I see know what you are suggesting (separate 
para tags for the figure title and the frame anchor). If the frame anchor 
paragraph is made tiny, it looks as if you've selected only the anchored frame.

As so often with Frame, there are multiple ways of achieving the same thing. 
Testament to the power of the tool, I guess.

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