My approach would be as follows:

Solicit opinions from a IL/Quicksilver list in the same manner. Beware
though as some of your colleagues may be on those lists - write from a
neutral email address and don't mention too many identifying details.
Sorry, I've no idea if any lists even exist, but I'd assume they do. 

When you present your findings:

- Emphasise the cost savings of choosing Frame over IL, ease of use,
knowledgebase, ease of finding new employees with those skills etc. 
- Describe how Frame can integrate with Word in a fairly easy workflow.
Those not using Frame could use Word as a quick cheap editor for
example, and then Frame is used to assemble the document for production.
- Highlight a migration path from IL to Frame.

If you can justify that Frame is cheaper than IL, that it works well
with Word and that going from IL to Frame won't be as painful as the
ILers fear, then you've got a winning argument.

I know nothing about IL or Quicksilver and trying to get information out
of BroadVision's website was a struggle. Compare that with the info
available on the Adobe site for Frame for example. 


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