On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:28:32 -0800 (PST), John Posada 

>Hi, guys...I must have missed something. What IS this MIF washing,
>anyway? What problem does it fix and what does it do?

We didn't invent this, just made it a lot easier to do, as
a public service (since you don't have to buy Mif2Go to
use the feature, just download the demo).

The process is to save .fm files as .mif, then re-open
the .mif and re-save as .fm over the original.  Why?
Well, the .fm format is binary with lots of linked lists,
and sometimes it loses something it needs, perhaps as a
result of an optimization of some sort.  This results
in the file not behaving as documented.  Something may
disappear, or display very strangely.  Often, but not
always, saving as MIF, an ASCII format, produces a
cleaned-up version of the doc; when you reload it, the
original problem is gone.  This is frequent enough that
it pays to try it first, rather than rekeying the file, 
or trying to find the exact trouble spot and fix it.

Doing the SaveAs, close, reopen is a bit of a PITA,
especially if you want to do it to a big book.  We
got tired of doing it ourselves, so we added it to
Mif2Go as "Wash via MIF".  ;-)

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.omsys.com/

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