I don't mean to beat this to death, but I submitted my unsubscribe command and am just now getting time to accept the confirmation (which I will do after sending this message).

But just a couple quick things. On January 1st, I changed email addresses, and I have been very careful about where I've posted that address. I have now gotten exactly >>two<< spam messages so far this year, and both are from this Indian Framemaker spammer. I responded each time and told him to unsubscribe me, but he continues to spam me, and many others on this list (who responded to me). If he is this unethical, he'll probably sell the addresses. I just started using Framemaker this year, and I have subscribed to exactly two online resources: this list, and Adobe's online forum. Adobe's forum hides email addresses, this list does not (nor should it). The most likely way this guy got my email, then, is from this list. I'm disappointed that the leadership of this list won't take action against this guy, so I'm sorry to go. Thanks to all for the excellent advice everyone gave me here, and sorry to have caused problems for anyone.
John Huntington

Fred Ridder wrote:
To me, that sure seems like throwing out the baby with
the bathwater. But who am I to say how much value you
have or have not been able to glean from this list? I'm
perfectly willing to let my mail client's filters deal with the
occasional piece of spam if that's the cost of participation,
but you've clearly got a different threshold of tolerance
for violations of what you perceive as your personal
cyperspace. To eaqch his own.

-Fred Ridder


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