Another approach is to modify the behavior of the spelling checker
rather than completely suppressing spell-checking. The Spelling
Checker Options dialog lets you specify that words in all caps or
words that contain specified characters (e.g. punctuation marks),
for example.

It may also be helpful to remember a couple of characteristics of 
FrameMaker's spelling checker that separate if from the dumb
spell-checkers we may be used to in other applications. 

First and foremost, FrameMaker does not spell-check every paragraph
on every spell-check pass. It uses a paragraph-level spell-check flag
so that it only checks new paragraphs or paragraphs that have been
changed in some way since it was last spell-checked. If you *want*
FrameMaker to do a complete spell-check you have to explicitly 
select the Mark All Paragraphs for Rechecking option in the Dictionaries
dialog. The bottom line is that under normal usage only the first 
time you spell-check a document will every paragraph that has a 
specified language be checked.

Also remember to make appropriate use of the "Allow in document"
button when doing that initial spell-check. This adds the questioned
word to an internal word list that functions much like an additional 
user that applies only to thatdocument. After you OK a word or 
acronym or abbreviation in a given file, FrameMaker won't question
it again unless/until you use the Recheck All option.

In our group's docs, we use Language = None only for code listing
paragraphs. We use lots of acronyms and abbreviations and find 
the small pain of the first full spell-check pass to be quite

My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
Fred Ridder (fred dot ridder at intel dot com)
Parsippany, NJ

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Stuart Rogers
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 10:44 AM
To: Doug
Cc: Framers List
Subject: Re: Another spellchecker query

Doug wrote:
> Is there any way to make Frame's spellchecker NOT check text if it's
> formatted with a given paragraph format?  We have tons of reports
> formatted with a Report format, and none of it needs to be
> spellchecked.  Most of it consists of abbrevations and punctuation, so
> the spellchecker would flag most of it.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> _______________________________________________

In the pgf designer, Default Font tab, set the language to None.

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited

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